Flexible Team Management

For an organization to flourish, standard operating procedures cannot exist in a vacuum. You can invest all the time and energy you want into crafting carefully worded and useful procedures, but they still need to accessible and actionable by those who will use them. Keeni makes your procedures available to team members with role-based access and modern team management functionality.

Role-based Access

Being able to delegate certain administrative functions without giving away “the keys to the kingdom” is incredibly important. Role-based access control (RBAC) functionality enables application admins to limit the permissions of some users within a team.

We provide way more than an “all or nothing” approach to permissions! Keeni’s implementation of RBAC uses the principle of least privilege, allowing administrators to provide team members access to functionality they need to do their job.

Like any good SaaS application, we allow administrators to implement granular, role-based permissions. We provide administrators with fine-tuned control over which roles have read-write, read-only, or no access to various features and resources. You are even able to create custom roles.

To make our procedure software an easy out-of-the-box solution, we provide three general roles with defined access and permissions. The three default roles:

Admin roleManager roleUser role
Team Managementyes
View Usersyesyes
Procedure Managementyesyes
Procedure Managementyes
View Proceduresyesyesyes
Procedure Template Managementyesyes
View Procedure Templatesyesyesyes
Document Managementyesyes
View Documentsyesyesyes
Run Proceduresyesyesyes


With our implementation of RBAC, you can give users read-only access. This is invaluable in any regulated environment. Being able to give the internal compliance/security team or an external auditor self-serve access to review specific procedures reduces the audit burden on management and encourages a healthy relationship between management and external parties.

Team Management

Team management describes the functionality that enables modern software to be collaborative and managed. Through teams, you can manage users and invite others to collaboratively use our procedure software.

  • Create
    During signup, an account is created & named by the initial user.
  • Invite
    Emails are sent to users to invite them to the account.
  • List
    Users can view users in the team, see pending invites and resend invitations.
  • Remove
    Users can be removed from the account and logged out of current sessions.
  • Resource discovery
    Users can find other users and resources created by those users easily.
  • Profiles
    Each user has a profile that lists the resources they’ve created and contributed to.
  • Roles & permissions
    Role-based access control is core to this team management functionality.

Single Sign On

We know that it is nearly impossible for enterprises to manage hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of users across tens or hundreds of different applications. For this reason, we support Single Sign On (SSO) to manage the provisioning, de-provisioning and permissioning of users and their privileges.

The leading standard for SSO is Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Keeni has adopted and integrated the SAML standard allowing customers to use their own identity provider (IDP) such as Okta.

Okta Integration

The Keeni integration with Okta automatically provisions users in Keeni. This means that if a user has access to Keeni in Okta, and the user does not exist yet in Keeni, Keeni will get appropriate information for Okta and provide the user access seamlessly.